
VVVS - records publications, grants and other scientific accomplishments. Here is a overview of publications from each year:

2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990,

Publikace z VVVS - 2023

Počet záznamů: 315, dotaz trval: s, datum: 2025-02-08T00:00:07.728+01:00

Mlynář, J. - Ficker, O. - Tomešová, E. - Čeřovský, J., - Čaloud, J.; PROGRESS IN UNDERSTANDING RUNAWAY ELECTRONS IN TOKAMAKS
In: 21st Conference of Czech and Slovak physicists proceedings. Slovak Physical Society, 2023. p. 41-42. ISBN 978-80-89855-21-6.; 2023
Abbasi, S. - Mlynář, J. - Chlum, J. - Svoboda, V. - Svoboda, J. - Ficker, O., - Brotánková, J.; Machine-Learning-Based Reconstruction of Spatial Distribution of Plasma Radia- tion Using Color Visible Cameras at GOLEM Tokamak
In: Machine-Learning-Based Reconstruction of Spatial Distribution of Plasma Radia- tion Using Color Visible Cameras at GOLEM Tokamak. Slovak Physical Society, 2023. p. 59-60. ISBN 978-80-89855-21-6.; 2023
Abbasi, S. - Chlum, J. - Mlynář, J. - Svoboda, V. - Svoboda, J., - Brotánková, J.; Tomographic Reconstruction of Plasma Radiation Distribution at GOLEM Tokamak Plasma Using Fast Visible Cameras
In: Tomographic Reconstruction of Plasma Radiation Distribution at GOLEM Tokamak Plasma Using Fast Visible Cameras. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2023. vol. 47A.; 2023
Lysenko, V. - Sopczak, A., - Nožka, L. opon.; Efficiency and accuracy of time-of-flight detector measurements in the ATLAS experiment and di-photon vertex reconstruction for the search for an axion-like particle in data from LHC Run-3
Defense date 2023-09-22. Master Thesis. CTU FNSPE. Department of Physics; CTU IEAP. High Energy Physics.; 2023
Spišák, M. - Bartyzal, R. - Hoskovec, A. - Peška, L., - Tůma, M.; Scalable approximate nonsymmetric autoencoder for collaborative filtering
In: RecSys '23: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2023. p. 763-770. ISBN 979-8-4007-0241-9.; 2023
Abdulameer, N.J. - Tomášek, M. - Vrba, V., - Virius, M.; Measurement of φ -meson production in Cu+Au collisions at sNN =200 GeV and U+ U collisions at sNN =193 GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107 1-21. ISSN 2469-9993.; 2023
Bernauer, J.C. - Marčišovský, M., - Tomášek, L.; Scientific computing plan for the ECCE detector at the Electron Ion Collider
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1047 1-11. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Fanelli, C. - Marčišovský, M., - Tomášek, L.; AI-assisted optimization of the ECCE tracking system at the Electron Ion Collider
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1047 1-14. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Abdulameer, N.J. - Tomášek, L. - Virius, M. - Vrba, V., - Tomášek, M.; Low- pT direct-photon production in Au+Au collisions at sNN =39 and 62.4 GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(2), 1-24. ISSN 2469-9993.; 2023
Abdulameer, N.J. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Measurements of second-harmonic Fourier coefficients from azimuthal anisotropies in p+p, p+Au, d+Au, and He 3 +Au collisions at sNN =200 GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(2), 1-16. ISSN 2469-9993.; 2023
Li, X. - Marčišovský, M., - Tomášek, L.; Exclusive J/ψ detection and physics with ECCE
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1048 1-10. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Abdulameer, N.J. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Improving constraints on gluon spin-momentum correlations in transversely polarized protons via midrapidity open-heavy-flavor electrons in p ↑+p collisions at s =200 GeV
Physical Review D. 2023, 107(5), 1-11. ISSN 2470-0029.; 2023
Seidl, R. - Marčišovský, M., - Tomášek, L.; ECCE sensitivity studies for single hadron transverse single spin asymmetry measurements
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1049 1-18. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Abdulameer, N.J. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Transverse single-spin asymmetry of midrapidity π0 and η mesons in p+Au and p+Al collisions at sNN =200 GeV
Physical Review D. 2023, 107(11), 1-9. ISSN 2470-0029.; 2023
Abdulameer, N.J. - Tomášek, M. - Vrba, V., - Virius, M.; Measurement of Direct-Photon Cross Section and Double-Helicity Asymmetry at s =510 GeV in p → + p → Collisions
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 130(25), 1-8. ISSN 1079-7114.; 2023
Bylinkin, A. - Marčišovský, M., - Tomášek, L.; Detector requirements and simulation results for the EIC exclusive, diffractive and tagging physics program using the ECCE detector concept
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1052 1-40. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Zhang, J.L. - Marčišovský, M., - Tomášek, L.; Search for e→τ charged lepton flavor violation at the EIC with the ECCE detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1053 1-11. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Bock, F. - Tomášek, L., - Marčišovský, M.; Design and simulated performance of calorimetry systems for the ECCE detector at the electron ion collider
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1055 1-17. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Seidl, R. - Marčišovský, M., - Tomášek, L.; ECCE unpolarized TMD measurements
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1055 1-11. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Abdulameer, N.J. - Virius, M. - Tomášek, M., - Vrba, V.; Transverse single-spin asymmetry of charged hadrons at forward and backward rapidity in polarized p+p, p+Al, and p+Au collisions at sNN =200 GeV
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(7), 1-13. ISSN 2470-0029.; 2023
Van Hulse, C. - Tomášek, L., - Marčišovský, M.; Evaluation of longitudinal double-spin asymmetry measurements in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from the proton for the ECCE detector design
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1056 1-12. ISSN 1872-9576.; 2023
Sarancha, G. - Ammosov, Y. - Balashov, A. - Butrova, N., - Svoboda, V.; Remote Plasma Physics Research and Teaching by Example of Turbulence Study at the University-Scale Tokamak GOLEM
Fusion Science & Technology. 2023, 79(4), 432-445. ISSN 1536-1055.; 2023
Filmer, E.K. - Jackson, P. - Kong, A.X.Y. - Potti, H. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T.R.V. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of substructure-dependent jet suppression in Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Fiedler, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for flavour-changing neutral tqH interactions with H → γγ in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Fiedler, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for direct production of electroweakinos in final states with one lepton, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. 2023, 2023(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for heavy Higgs bosons with flavour-violating couplings in multi-lepton plus b-jets final states in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Fiedler, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Evidence of pair production of longitudinally polarised vector bosons and study of CP properties in ZZ → 4l events with the ATLAS detector at √s=13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; A search for new resonances in multiple final states with a high transverse momentum Z boson in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for Higgs boson pair production in association with a vector boson in pp collisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Constraints on spin-0 dark matter mediators and invisible Higgs decays using ATLAS 13 TeV pp collision data with two top quarks and missing transverse momentum in the final state
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Abed Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Petousis, V. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Novotný, L. - Mondal, S. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in association with a photon with the ATLAS experiment
Physics Letters B. 2023, 843 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Abed Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Petousis, V. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Jačka, P. - Novotný, L. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Measurement of the Higgs boson mass in the H → ZZ⁎ → 4ℓ decay channel using 139 fb−1 of s=13 TeV pp collisions recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Physics Letters B. 2023, 843 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of observables sensitive to colour reconnection in tt¯ events with the ATLAS detector at √s= 13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D.C. - Abud, A.A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T.R.V. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Searches for new phenomena in events with two leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in 139 fb - 1 of √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Filmer, E.K. - Jackson, P. - Kong, A.X.Y. - Potti, H. - Jačka, P. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets in Xe+Xe collisions at √ sNN = 5.44 TeV TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 108(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for heavy Majorana or Dirac neutrinos and right-handed W gauge bosons in final states with charged leptons and jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(12), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T.R. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Performance of the reconstruction of large impact parameter tracks in the inner detector of ATLAS
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(11), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Fiedler, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of multijet event isotropies using optimal transport with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for direct production of winos and higgsinos in events with two same-charge leptons or three leptons in pp collision data at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(11), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abidi, S. H. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for exclusive Higgs and Z boson decays to ωγ and Higgs boson decays to K*γ with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2023, 847 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Test of CP Invariance in Higgs Boson Vector-Boson-Fusion Production Using the H → γγ Channel with the ATLAS Detector
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(6), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abidi, S. H. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Observation of an Excess of Dicharmonium Events in the Four-Muon Final State with the ATLAS Detector
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(15), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for heavy long-lived multi-charged particles in the full LHC Run 2 pp collision data at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2023, 847 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for pairs of muons with small displacements in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Fast b-tagging at the high-level trigger of the ATLAS experiment in LHC Run 3
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 18(11), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamová, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Křížková Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V. - Šafařík, K., - Torres, S.R.; K∗(892)0 and φ(1020) production in p-Pb collisions at sNN =8.16 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adams, J. R. - Češka, J. - Das, A., - Lomický, O.; Hyperon Polarization along the Beam Direction Relative to the Second and Third Harmonic Event Planes in Isobar Collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(20), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Photoproduction of low-pT J/ψ from peripheral to central Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Exclusive and dissociative J/ψ photoproduction, and exclusive dimuon production, in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(11), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Rinella, G. A. - Agnello, M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Haidlová, S. - Herman, T. - Khuntia, A. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Charm production and fragmentation fractions at midrapidity in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Aglieri Rinella, G. - Agnello, M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Haidlová, S. - Herman, T. - Khuntia, A. - Krupová, D.M. - Rojas Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Probing the chiral magnetic wave with charge-dependent flow measurements in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurements of Groomed-Jet Substructure of Charm Jets Tagged by D0 Mesons in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=13 TeV
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(19), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; f0(980) production in inelastic pp collisions at √s=5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; First measurement of prompt and non-prompt D*+ vector meson spin alignment in pp collisions at √s=13 Tev
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Data-driven precision determination of the material budget in ALICE
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 18(11), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Tůma, J. ed. - Sivý, D. ed. - Bielčík, J. ed., - Berka, R. ed.; Beyond Matter - prezentace pěti výzkumných týmů v oblasti fyziky mikrosvěta
Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2023. ISBN 978-80-01-07183-0.; 2023
Šafařík, J. ed. - Sivý, D. ed. - Berka, R. ed. - Bielčík, J. ed., - Aslan, J. ed.; Žbluňk! - živý obraz - pohyb vln
Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2023. ISBN 978-80-01-07184-7.; 2023
Vančura, P. - Gečnuk, J. - Janoška, Z. - Jirsa, J. - Korchak, O. - Kostina, A. - Kafka, V. - Lednický, D. - Marčišovská, M. - Marčišovský, M. - Strnad, M. - Švihra, P. - Tomášek, L., - Staněk, P.; SpacePix3: SOI MAPS detector for space radiation monitoring
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 2023(C10015), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Čečrdle, J. - Scholte, J. G. A. - Horacek, J., - Morgan, T. W.; Predictive and interpretative modelling of ASDEX-upgrade liquid metal divertor experiment
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2023, 194 1-7. ISSN 0920-3796.; 2023
Scholte, J. G. A. - Balden, M. - Brida, D., - Čečrdle, J.; Performance of a liquid Sn divertor target during ASDEX upgrade L-mode and H-mode
Nuclear Materials and Energy. 2023, 37 1-11. ISSN 2352-1791.; 2023
Bertrand, S. - Nucci, M. C.; Linearity of minimally superintegrable systems in a static electromagnetic field
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2023, 56(29), 1-25. ISSN 1751-8113.; 2023
Nomerotski, A. - Chekhlov, M. - Dolzhenko, D. - Glazenborg, R., - Švihra, P.; Intensified Tpx3Cam, a fast data-driven optical camera with nanosecond timing resolution for single photon detection in quantum applications
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 18(1), 1-13. ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Courme, B. - Verniere, C. - Švihra, P., - Gigan, S.; Quantifying high-dimensional spatial entanglement with a single-photon-sensitive time-stamping camera
Optics Letters. 2023, 48(13), 3439-3442. ISSN 0146-9592.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Cross-section measurements for the production of a Z boson in association with high-transverse-momentum jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023,(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for pair-produced scalar and vector leptoquarks decaying into third-generation quarks and first- or second-generation leptons in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023,(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for pair-production of vector-like quarks in pp collision events at √s=13 TeV with at least one leptonically decaying Z boson and a third-generation quark with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2023, 843 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Combination of searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson using 139 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at √s=13 TeV collected with the ATLAS experiment
Physics Letters B. 2023, 842 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Search for flavour-changing neutral-current couplings between the top quark and the photon with the ATLAS detector at √s=13 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 842 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the nuclear modification factor of b-jets in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(5), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the total and differential Higgs boson production cross-sections at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector by combining the H → ZZ*→ 4l and H → γγ decay channels
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023,(5), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Differential t(t)over-tilde cross-section measurements using boosted top quarks in the all-hadronic final state with 139 fb-1 of ATLAS data
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023,(4), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Correlations between flow and transverse momentum in Xe plus Xe and Pb plus Pb collisions at the LHC with the ATLAS detector: A probe of the heavy-ion initial state and nuclear deformation
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of the suppression and correlations of dijets in Pb plus Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Production of Υ(nS) mesons in Pb plus Pb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of muon pairs produced via γγ scattering in nonultraperipheral Pb plus Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Observation of electroweak production of two jets and a Z-boson pair
NATURE PHYSICS. 2023, 19(2), 237-253. ISSN 1745-2473.; 2023
Ferus, M. - Knizek, A. - Cassone, G. - Rimmer, P. B. - Křivková, A., - Drtinová, B.; Simulating asteroid impacts and meteor events by high-power lasers: from the laboratory to spaceborne missions
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 2023, 10 ISSN 2296-987X.; 2023
Chadzitaskos, G. - Havlíček, M., - Patera, J.; Orthonormal Bases on L2(R+)
Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science. 2023, 38(11), 95-102. ISSN 2456-9968.; 2023
Exner, P.; Geometrically induced spectral properties of soft quantum waveguides and layers
Reviews in Mathematical Physics. 2023, ISSN 1793-6659.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from single- and double-Higgs production with the ATLAS detector using pp collisions at√s=13 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 843 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for direct pair production of sleptons and charginos decaying to two leptons and neutralinos with mass splittings near the W-boson mass in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of the top-quark mass using a leptonic invariant mass in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - et al.; Search for excited τ-leptons and leptoquarks in the final state with τ-leptons and jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for long-lived, massive particles in events with displaced vertices and multiple jets in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for heavy resonances decaying into a Z or W boson and a Higgs boson in final states with leptons and b-jets in 139 fb-1 of pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for heavy, long-lived, charged particles with large ionisation energy loss in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS experiment and the full Run 2 dataset
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for flavour-changing neutral current interactions of the top quark and the Higgs boson in events with a pair of τ-leptons in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of electroweak Z(v (v)over-bar)γ jj production and limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for light long-lived neutral particles that decay to collimated pairs of leptons or light hadrons in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the t(t)over-bar production cross-section in pp collisions at √s=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of single top-quark production in the s-channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for a light charged Higgs boson in t → H±b decays, with H± → cb, in the lepton plus jets final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(9), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Measurements of differential cross sections of Higgs boson production through gluon fusion in the H → WW *→ eνμν final state at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(9), ISSN 1434-6052.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Novotný, R. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Measurement of the CP properties of Higgs boson interactions with τ-leptons with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6052.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T.R.V. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Zaplatílek, O. - et al.; Search for supersymmetry in final states with missing transverse momentum and three or more b-jets in 139 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6052.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for resonant and non-resonant Higgs boson pair production in the bbτ+τ- decay channel using 13TeV pp collision data from the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for doubly charged Higgs boson production in multi-lepton final states using 139 fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6052.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for dark matter produced in association with a single top quark and an energetic W boson in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6052.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for new phenomena in multi-body invariant masses in events with at least one isolated lepton and two jets using √s=13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for t(t)over-barH/A → t(t)over-bart(t)over-bar production in the multilepton final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Model-independent search for the presence of new physics in events including H → γγ with √s=13 TeV pp data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - et al.; Searches for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson into eτ and μτ in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - et al.; Inclusive and differential cross-sections for dilepton t(t)over-bar production measured in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for dark photons from Higgs boson decays via ZH production with a photon plus missing transverse momentum signature from pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for a new Z′ gauge boson in 4μ events with the ATLAS experiment
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for vector-boson resonances decaying into a top quark and a bottom quark using pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for single vector-like B quark production and decay via B → bH(b(b)over-bar) in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(11), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for a new pseudoscalar decaying into a pair of muons in events with a top-quark pair at√s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(9), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abidi, S. H. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Evidence of off-shell Higgs boson production from ZZ leptonic decay channels and constraints on its total width with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Fiedler, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Comparison of inclusive and photon-tagged jet suppression in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions with ATLAS
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Tools for estimating fake/non-prompt lepton backgrounds with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 18(11), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the total cross section and ρ-parameter from elastic scattering in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(5), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of the Sensitivity of Two-Particle Correlations in pp Collisions to the Presence of Hard Scatterings
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(16), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abidi, S. H. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - et al.; Luminosity determination in pp collisions at √s=13TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(10), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Integrated and differential fiducial cross-section measurements for the vector boson fusion production of the Higgs boson in the H → WW* → eνμν decay channel at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(7), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for flavor-changing neutral-current couplings between the top quark and the Z boson with proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Observation of Single-Top-Quark Production in Association with a Photon Using the ATLAS Detector
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(18), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Observation of the γγ → ττ Process in Pb plus Pb Collisions and Constraints on the τ-Lepton Anomalous Magnetic Moment with the ATLAS Detector
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(15), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for periodic signals in the dielectron and diphoton invariant mass spectra using 139 fb-1 of pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for leptoquarks decaying into the bt final state in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Fiedler, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the B0s → μμ effective lifetime with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(9), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Aakvaag, E. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to tau leptons at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(9), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for Majorana neutrinos in same-sign WW scattering events from pp collisions at √s=13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(9), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Day-Hall, H. - Fiedler, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for a new heavy scalar particle decaying into a Higgs boson and a new scalar singlet in final states with one or two light leptons and a pair of τ-leptons with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Anomaly detection search for new resonances decaying into a Higgs boson and a generic new particle X in hadronic final states using √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T.R. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Jačka, P. - et al.; Search for nonresonant pair production of Higgs bosons in the b(b)over-barb (b)over-bar final state in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for the charged-lepton-flavor-violating decay Z → eμ in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for boosted diphoton resonances in the 10 to 70 GeV mass range using 138 fb-1 of 13TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Searches for exclusive Higgs and Z boson decays into a vector quarkonium state and a photon using 139 fb-1 of ATLAS √s=13 TeV proton-proton collision data
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(9), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Exclusive dielectron production in ultraperipheral Pb plus Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV with ATLAS
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Novotný, L. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charmed hadron in pp collisions at p s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector 
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T.R. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Zaplatílek, O. - et al.; Measurement of Z γ γ production in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons in Decays of W Bosons Using a Dilepton Displaced Vertex in p s=13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS Detector
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(6), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Strong Constraints on Jet Quenching in Centrality-Dependent p plus Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV from ATLAS
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(7), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of Higgs boson production by gluon-gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion using H ? WW* ? e?μ? decays in pp collisions at p s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector ffi
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for displaced photons produced in exotic decays of the Higgs boson using 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Šimák, V. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Vrba, V. - et al.; Measurement of the inclusive t(t)over-bar production cross section in the lepton plus jets channel in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector using support vector machines
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Search for leptonic charge asymmetry in t(t)over-barW production in final states with three leptons at √s=13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for new phenomena in final states with photons, jets and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for pair-produced vector-like top and bottom partners in events with large missing transverse momentum in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of W+ W- production in decay topologies inspired by searches for electroweak supersymmetry
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Jačka, P. - et al.; Studies of the muon momentum calibration and performance of the ATLAS detector with pp collisions at √s=13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Vrba, V. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - et al.; Inclusive-photon production and its dependence on photon isolation in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using 139 fb-1 of ATLAS data
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T.R.V. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of exclusive pion pair production in proton-proton collisions at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Novotný, L. - Polifka, R. - et al.; New techniques for jet calibration with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of Zγ plus jets differential cross sections in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abidi, S. H. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - et al.; Search for single production of vector-like T quarks decaying into Ht or Zt in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(8), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for an axion-like particle with forward proton scattering in association with photon pairs at ATLAS
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Vrba, V. - Billoud, T. - Mondal, S., - Petousis, V.; Charged-hadron production in pp, p plus Pb, Pb plus Pb, and Xe plus Xe collisions at √sNN=5 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Evidence for the charge asymmetry in pp → t(t)over-bar production at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(8), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abeling, K. - Abicht, N. J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Day-Hall, H. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - et al.; ATLAS flavour-tagging algorithms for the LHC Run 2 pp collision dataset
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Calibration of the light-flavour jet mistagging efficiency of the b-tagging algorithms with Z plus jets events using 139 fb-1 of ATLAS proton-proton collision data at √s=13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; A search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying into vector bosons in same-sign two-lepton final states in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for a new scalar resonance in flavour-changing neutral-current top-quark decays t → qX (q = u, c), with X → b(b)over-bar, in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for dark matter produced in association with a dark Higgs boson decaying into W+W- in the one-lepton final state at √s=13 TeV using 139 fb-1 of pp collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for high-mass Wγ and Zγ resonances using hadronic W/Z boson decays from 139 fb-1 of pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for third-generation vector-like leptons in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for resonant WZ production in the fully leptonic final state in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Vrba, V. - Myška, M. - Billoud, T.R. - Mondal, S., - Petousis, V.; Measurement of the properties of Higgs boson production at √s=13 TeV in the H→ γγ channel using 139 fb-1 of pp collision data with the ATLAS experiment
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Billoud, T. - Polifka, R. - Zaplatílek, O. - et al.; Observation of four-top-quark production in the multilepton final state with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Billoud, T.R. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Jačka, P. - et al.; Search in diphoton and dielectron final states for displaced production of Higgs or Z bosons with the ATLAS detector in p s=13 TeV pp collisions
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abed Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Combination of inclusive top-quark pair production cross-section measurements using ATLAS and CMS data at √s=7 and 8 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Observation of gauge boson joint-polarisation states in W± Z production from pp collisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2023, 843 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abeling, K. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Billoud, T. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Mondal, S. - Myška, M. - Novotný, L. - Petousis, V. - Polifka, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the polarisation of Wbosons produced in top-quark decays using dilepton events at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS experiment
Physics Letters B. 2023, 843 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
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Physical Review D. 2023, 108(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
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Acharya, S. - Adamová, D. - Aglieri Rinella, G. - Agnello, M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Haidlová, S. - Herman, T. - Khuntia, A. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of non-prompt D -meson elliptic flow in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
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Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of the Λ hyperon lifetime
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Higher-order correlations between different moments of two flow amplitudes in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
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Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Pseudorapidity densities of charged particles with transverse momentum thresholds in pp collisions at √s=5.02 and 13 TeV
Physical Review D. 2023, 108(7), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Study of the p-p-K+ and p-p-K- dynamics using the femtoscopy technique
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Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of beauty-strange meson production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV via non-prompt Ds+ mesons
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Jizba, P. - Lambiase, G. - Luciano, G.G., - Petruzziello, L.; Coherent states for generalized uncertainty relations as Tsallis probability amplitudes: New route to nonextensive thermostatistics
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Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Rinella, G. A. - Agnello, M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Khuntia, A. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Study of flavor dependence of the baryon-to-meson ratio in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
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Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - Mondal, S. - Petousis, V. - Billoud, T. - Novotný, L. - Polifka, R. - et al.; Determination of the strong coupling constant from transverse energy-energy correlations in multijet events at √ s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Lehečková, T.; Black Hole Uniqueness in Gravity Conformally Coupled to a Scalar Field
In: Doktorandské dny 2023. Praha: CTU. Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, 2023. 1. vol. 1.; 2023
Teska, V.; Discrete Orthogonality of Orbit Functions Arising from the Root System C2
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Petržílka, V. - Gajdoš, P., - Krůs, M.; Electron injection on steep ramp-up plasma density profiles in high repetition rate laser-plasma wake-field accelerators
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Ivanov, V. - Varavin, M. - Ficker, O. - Tomesova, E. - Svoboda, V., - Čeřovský, J.; Runaway electrons measurements by ECE on the GOLEM tokamak
In: 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2023. ISSN 0378-2271. ISBN 978-1-7138-9867-2.; 2023
Čaloud, J. - Tomesova, E. - Čeřovský, J. - Ficker, O. - Mlynář, J. - Casolari, A. - Kulkov, S., - Svoboda, V.; Monte-Carlo simulations of runaway electron impact on tokamak plasma-facing components
In: 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse: European Physical Society, 2023. ISSN 0378-2271. ISBN 978-1-7138-9867-2.; 2023
Píro, M.; Kvantově-mechanický popis mnohaelektronového souboru v kulových nanočásticích
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Ju, X.-Y. - Leung, Y.-H. - Radhakrishnann, S. - Chaloupka, P., - Kocan, M.; Applying the Kalman filter particle method to strange and open charm hadron reconstruction in the STAR experiment
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Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of electrons from beauty-hadron decays in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 108(3), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adamo, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Češka, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Energy dependence of intermittency for charged hadrons in Au plus Au collisions at RHIC
Physics Letters B. 2023, 845 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Khuntia, A. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Accessing the strong interaction between Λ baryons and charged kaons with the femtoscopy technique at the LHC
Physics Letters B. 2023, 845 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Křížková Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurements of azimuthal anisotropies at forward and backward rapidity with muons in high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of the production of (anti)nuclei in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Elliptic flow of charged particles at midrapidity relative to the spectator plane in Pb-Pb and Xe-Xe collisions
Physics Letters B. 2023, 846 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of the Lifetime and Λ Separation Energy of 3ΛH
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 131(10), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Multiplicity and rapidity dependence of K*(892)0 and φ(1020) production in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Closing in on critical net-baryon fluctuations at LHC energies: Cumulants up to third order in Pb-Pb collisions
Physics Letters B. 2023, 844 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of inclusive J/ψ pair production cross section in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 108(4), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Jurčo, B. - Moučka, F., - Vysoký, J.; Palatini variation in generalized geometry and string effective actions
Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2023, 191 ISSN 0393-0440.; 2023
Kubů, O. - Šnobl, L.; Quantum cylindrical integrability in magnetic fields
In: SciPost Physics Proceedings. Amsterdam: SciPost Foundation, 2023. vol. 14. ISSN 2666-4003.; 2023
Korbelář, M. - Tolar, J.; Clifford group is not a semidirect product in dimensions N divisible by four
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2023, 56(27), 1-29. ISSN 1751-8113.; 2023
Indrajith, V. S. - Muthuganesan, R., - Sankaranarayanan, R.; Weak measurement as a tool for characterizing coherence and quantum correlations in bipartite systems
Physica Scripta. 2023, 98(11), ISSN 0031-8949.; 2023
Muthuganesan, R.; Unifying nonclassical correlation via Tsallis α-entropy and its application in bilocal scenario
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2023, 630 ISSN 0378-4371.; 2023
Křelina, M. - Harjani, M.; “Unhackable” Quantum Communication is a Myth
IDSS Paper. 2023, 1-4.; 2023
Štefaňák, M. - Skoupý, S.; Quantum walk state transfer on a hypercube
Physica Scripta. 2023, 98(10), ISSN 0031-8949.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adams, J. R. - Češka, J. - Das, A., - Lomický, O.; Search for the chiral magnetic wave using anisotropic flow of identified particles at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 108(1), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Inclusive and multiplicity dependent production of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in pp and p-Pb collisions
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(8), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Observation of flow angle and flow magnitude fluctuations in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Enhanced Deuteron Coalescence Probability in Jets
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2023, 131(4), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Češka, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Elliptic flow of heavy-flavor decay electrons in Au plus Au collisions at vsNN=27 and 54.4 GeV at RHIC
Physics Letters B. 2023, 844 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Češka, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Measurement of electrons from open heavy-flavor hadron decays in Au plus Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV with the STAR detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Study of charged particle production at high pTusing event topology in pp, p-Pband Pb-Pbcollisions at v √NN=5.02TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 843 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Multiplicity dependence of charged-particle production in pp, p-Pb, Xe-Xe and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
Physics Letters B. 2023, 845 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Performance of the ALICE Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 18(8), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Azimuthal correlations of heavy-flavor hadron decay electrons with charged particles in pp and p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Symmetry plane correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of the J/? Polarization with Respect to the Event Plane in Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2023, 131(4), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; First Measurement of Antideuteron Number Fluctuations at Energies Available at the Large Hadron Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2023, 131(4), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Češka, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Global polarization of Λ and (Λ)over-bar hyperons in Au plus Au collisions at √sNN=19.6 and 27GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 108(1), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Jet-like correlations with respect to KS0 and Λ ((Λ)over-bar) in pp and central Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; First measurement of the A-E interaction in proton-proton collisions at the LHC
Physics Letters B. 2023, 844 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Inclusive photon production at forward rapidities in pp and p-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(7), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; J/ψ production at midrapidity in p-Pb collisions at √sNN=8.16 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Production of KS0, Λ ((Λ)over-bar), Ξ±, and Ω± in jets and in the underlying event in pp and p-Pb collisions
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of the angle between jet axes in pp collisions at √s=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Hoque, M. - Kubů, O. - Marchesiello, A., - Šnobl, L.; New classes of quadratically integrable systems with velocity dependent potentials: non-subgroup type cases
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS. 2023, 138(9), 1-24. ISSN 2190-5444.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamová, D. - Adler, A. - Aglieri Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K.K. - Krupová, D.M. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; System-size dependence of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density at sNN=5.02TeV for pp, p–Pb, and Pb–Pb collisions
Physics Letters B. 2023, 845 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamová, D. - Adler, A. - Aglieri Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Khuntia, A. - Krupová, D.M. - Torres, S.R., - Šafařík, K.; Energy dependence of coherent photonuclear production of J/ψ mesons in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Čaloud, J. - Tomešová, E. - Balner, V., - Bogar, O.; Conceptual design of Fiber Bragg Grating temperature sensors for heat load measurements in COMPASS-U plasma-facing components
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2023, 193 ISSN 0920-3796.; 2023
Mácha, P. - Jiří Adámek, J. - Jakub Seidl, J. - Jan Stockel, J. - Svoboda, V. - Guido Van Oost, G.V. - Lobko, L., - Jaroslav Krbec, J.; Spontaneous formation of a transport barrier in helium plasma in a tokamak with circular configuration
Nuclear Fusion. 2023, 63(10), ISSN 1741-4326.; 2023
Khedif, Y. - Muthuganesan, R.; Intrinsic decoherence dynamics and dense coding in dipolar spin system
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2023, 129(1), ISSN 1432-0649.; 2023
Muthuganesan, R. - Bhuvaneswari, S., - Radha, R.; Characterizing nonclassical correlations of tensorizing states in a bilocal scenario
Quantum Information Processing. 2023, 22(1), ISSN 1573-1332.; 2023
Bhuvaneswari, S. - Muthuganesan, R., - Radha, R.; Thermal quantum correlations and teleportation in a graphene sheet
Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 2023, 129(5), ISSN 1432-0649.; 2023
Parkavi, J. - Muthuganesan, R. - Chandrasekar, V. K., - Lakshmanan, M.; Quantum correlations and their significance in quantum teleportation under PT-symmetric operation
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 2023, 615 ISSN 1873-2119.; 2023
Rameshkumar, M. - Ananth, N. - Muthuganesan, R., - Sivanantham, N.; Dynamics of quantum correlations under correlated noisy channels
Optical and Quantum Electronics. 2023, 55(8), ISSN 1572-817X.; 2023
Perez-Martin, P. - Prencipe, I. - Sobiella, M. - Donat, F. - Gajdoš, P., - Hronová, L.; A novel multi-shot target platform for laser-driven laboratory astrophysics experiments
High Power Laser Science and Engineering. 2023, 11(2095471923000087), ISSN 2095-4719.; 2023
Bakala, P. - Bakalová, A. - La Placa, R. - Falanga, M., - Stella, L.; Extreme amplification regimes of the Schwarzschild gravitational lens
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2023, 2023(673), ISSN 1432-0746.; 2023
Singh, S. - Hamilton, C., - Jex, I.; Phase estimation in driven discrete-time quantum walks
PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2023, 108(4), 1-11. ISSN 2469-9926.; 2023
Kopeliovich, B.Z. - Nemchik, J. - Potashnikova, I.K., - Schmidt, I.; Unconventional Mechanisms of Heavy Quark Fragmentation
Universe. 2023, 9(9), ISSN 2218-1997.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Neutron emission in ultraperipheral Pb-Pb collisions at & RADIC;sNN=5.02 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(6), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Light (anti)nuclei production in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(6), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; First measurement of Lambda(+)(c) production down to p(T)=0 in pp and p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(6), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Underlying-event properties in pp and p-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-s=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Production of pions, kaons, and protons as a function of the relative transverse activity classifier in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Sigma(1385)(+/-) resonance production in Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN=5.02 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(5), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of inclusive and leading subjet fragmentation in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(5), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of (2S) production as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV and p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=8.16 TeV with ALICE at the LHC
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Češka, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Measurements of dielectron production in Au plus Au collisions at & RADIC;sNN=27, 39, and 62.4 GeV from the STAR experiment
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(6), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Measurements of the groomed jet radius and momentum splitting fraction with the soft drop and dynamical grooming algorithms in pp collisions at root s=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(5), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Anisotropic flow and flow fluctuations of identified hadrons in Pb-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-s=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(5), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Towards the understanding of the genuine three-body interaction for p-p-p and p-p-Lambda
European Physical Journal A, Hadrons and Nuclei. 2023, 59(7), ISSN 1434-6001.; 2023
Abdallah, M. S. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T. - Trzeciak, B.A., - Vaněk, J.; Azimuthal anisotropy measurement of (multi)strange hadrons in Au plus Au collisions at root sNN=54.4 GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Hrivnák, J. - Motlochová, L., - Novotný, P.; Quantum Particle on Dual Weight Lattice in Even Weyl Alcove
International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2023, 62(3), 1-31. ISSN 0020-7748.; 2023
Kubů, O. - Šnobl, L.; Cylindrical first-order superintegrability with complex magnetic fields
Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2023, 64(6), 062101-1-062101-12. ISSN 0022-2488.; 2023
Gregocki, D. - Mašlárová, D., - Krůs, M.; Transition of electron beams between vacuum and plasma in the external injection into a laser wakefield accelerator
In: Proc. SPIE 12579, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions VII. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2023. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 12579. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-6278-0.; 2023
Puškáš, P. - Mašlárová, D. - Babjak, R., - Krůs, M.; Radiation generation during laser and particle beam interactions in particle-in-cell codes
In: Proc. SPIE 12580, Research Using Extreme Light: Entering New Frontiers with Petawatt-Class Lasers V. Bellingham (stát Washington): SPIE, 2023. Proceedings of SPIE. vol. 12580. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-1-5106-6280-3.; 2023
Ortiz, A. - Khuntia, A. - Rueda, O., - Tripathy, S.; Unveiling the effects of multiple soft partonic interactions in pp collisions at p s=13.6 TeV using a new event classifier ffi
Physical Review D. 2023, 107(7), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Constraining the (K)over-barN coupled channel dynamics using femtoscopic correlations at the LHC
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(4), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of the production of charm jets tagged with D-0 mesons in pp collisions at root s=5.02 and 13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; W-+/--boson production in p-Pb collisions at root sNN=8.16 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(5), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Martin-Dussaud, P. - Carette, T. - Glowacki, J., - Zatloukal, V.; Fact-nets: Towards a Mathematical Framework for Relational Quantum Mechanics
Foundations of Physics. 2023, 53(1), ISSN 0015-9018.; 2023
Hentschinski, M. - Royon, C. - Peredo, M. - Baldenegro, C., - Contreras, J.G.; WHITE PAPER ON FORWARD PHYSICS, BFKL, SATURATION PHYSICS AND DIFFRACTION
Acta Physica Polonica B. 2023, 54(3), ISSN 0587-4254.; 2023
Chakraborty, A. - Dasmahapatra, S. - Day-Hall, H.A., - Ford, B.; Fat b-jet analyses using old and new clustering algorithms in new Higgs boson searches at the LHC
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(4), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adams, J. R. - Agakishiev, G. - Češka, J. - Das, A., - Lomický, O.; Beam energy dependence of the linear and mode-coupled flow harmonics in Au plus Au collisions
Physics Letters B. 2023, 839 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adams, J. R. - Češka, J. - Das, A., - Lomický, O.; Beam Energy Dependence of Triton Production and Yield Ratio (Nt x Np/N2d) in Au plus Au Collisions at RHIC
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2023, 130(20), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Abdulhamid, M. I. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adams, J. R. - Češka, J. - Das, A., - Lomický, O.; Measurements of the Elliptic and Triangular Azimuthal Anisotropies in Central He+Au, 4+Au and p+Au Collisions at & RADIC;SNN=200 GeV br
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 130(24), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Two-particle transverse momentum correlations in pp and p-Pb collisions at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Investigation of K plus K- interactions via femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN=2.76 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Rinella, G. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Dielectron production at midrapidity at low transverse momentum in peripheral and semi-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2023, 2023(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of anti-He-3 nuclei absorption in matter and impact on their propagation in the Galaxy
NATURE PHYSICS. 2023, 19(1), 61-71. ISSN 1745-2473.; 2023
Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Češkao, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T. - Trzeciak, B.A., - Bielčíko, J.; Search for the chiral magnetic effect in Au plus Au collisions at ?sNN=27 GeV with the STAR forward event plane detectors
Physics Letters B. 2023, 839 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Bielčík, J. - Češka, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Beam Energy Dependence of Fifth- and Sixth-Order Net-Proton Number Fluctuations in Au plus Au Collisions at RHIC
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 130(8), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Fílová, V. - Grund, D. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Krupová, D.M. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V. - Torres, S., - Šafařík, K.; Constraining hadronization mechanisms with A(c)(+) /D-0 production ratios in Pb-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-s=5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2023, 839 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2023
Abdallah, M. S. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Higher-order cumulants and correlation functions of proton multiplicity distributions in root sNN=3 GeV Au+Au collisions at the RHIC STAR experiment
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams., J. R. - Bielčík, J. - Češka, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Das, A. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Lomický, O. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Measurement of Sequential ? Suppression in Au plus Au Collisions at p=200 GeV with the STAR Experiment
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 130(11), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Abdallah, M. S. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Prozorova, V. - Robotková, M. - Truhlář, T., - Trzeciak, B.A.; K?0 production in Au plus Au collisions at ?sNN=7.7, 11.5, 14.5, 19.6, 27, and 39 GeV from the RHIC beam energy scan
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(3), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Herman, T. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V. - Šafařík, L., - Torres, S.R.; Inclusive quarkonium production in pp collisions at root s=5.02 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2023, 83(1), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2023
Abdallah, M. S. - Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Truhlář, T. - Trzeciak, B.A., - Prozorova, V.; Pattern of global spin alignment of phi and K-*0 mesons in heavy-ion collisions
Nature. 2023, 614(7947), 244-248. ISSN 0028-0836.; 2023
Cimerman, J. - Karpenko, I. - Tomášik, B., - Huovinen, P.; Next-generation multifluid hydrodynamic model for nuclear collisions at vs(NN) from a few GeV to a hundred GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2023, 107(4), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2023
Camacho, J. - Ramirez, S. - Noris, J. - Galvan, C., - Torres, S.; Forward Diffractive Detector control system for Run 3 in the ALICE experiment
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023, 1050 ISSN 0168-9002.; 2023
Aboona, B. E. - Adam, J. - Adams, J. R. - Agakishiev, G. - Češka, J. - Das, A., - Lomický, O.; Observation of Directed Flow of Hypernuclei H-3(Lambda) and H-4(Lambda) in root s(NN)=3 GeV Au + Au Collisions at RHIC
Physical Review Letters. 2023, 130(21), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2023
Novotný, J. - Maryška, J., - Jex, I.; Jaynes' principle for quantum Markov processes: generalized Gibbs-von Neumann states rule
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS. 2023, 138(657), 1-12. ISSN 2190-5444.; 2023
Hundertmark, D. - Jex, M., - Lange, M.; Quantum systems at the brink: existence of bound states, critical potentials, and dimensionality
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Křelina, M.; The Prospect of Quantum Technologies in Space for Defence and Security
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Kopeliovich, B.Z. - Potashnikova, I.K. - Křelina, M., - Reygers, K.; Modeling Photon Radiation in Soft Hadronic Collisions
In: Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement. Krakow: Jagellonian University in Krakow, 2023. p. 5-A5.1-5-A5.6. 16. vol. 5. ISSN 1899-2358.; 2023
Nemchik, J. - Kopeliovich, B.Z.; Nuclear Effects in Coherent Photoproduction of Heavy Quarkonia
In: Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement. Krakow: Jagellonian University in Krakow, 2023. 16. vol. 5. ISSN 1899-2358.; 2023
Segawa, E. - Koyama, S. - Konno, N., - Štefaňák, M.; Survival probability of the Grover walk on the ladder graph
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2023, 56(21), ISSN 1751-8113.; 2023
Weinzettl, V. - Bilkova, P. - Duran, I. - Hron, M. - Varavin, M. - Ficker, O. - Čeřovský, J. - Dimitrova, M. - Entler, S. - Šos, M. - Svoboda, J. - Čaloud, J. - Ivanov, V., - Lukeš, S.; Development of the diagnostic tools for the COMPASS-U tokamak and plans for the first plasma
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2023, 191 ISSN 0920-3796.; 2023
Štefaňák, M.; Monitored recurrence of a one-parameter family of three-state quantum walks
Physica Scripta. 2023, 98(6), ISSN 0031-8949.; 2023
Abbasi, S. - Chlum, J. - Mlynář, J. - Svoboda, J. - Svoboda, V., - Brotánková, J.; Plasma diagnostics using fast cameras at the GOLEM tokamak
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2023, 193 ISSN 1873-7196.; 2023
Kubů, O. - Marchesiello, A., - Šnobl, L.; New classes of quadratically integrable systems in magnetic fields: The generalized cylindrical and spherical cases
Annals of Physics. 2023, 451 ISSN 0003-4916.; 2023
Hoque, M. - Šnobl, L.; Family of nonstandard integrable and superintegrable classical Hamiltonian systems in non-vanishing magnetic fields
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2023, 56(16), ISSN 1751-8113.; 2023
Novotný, J. - Štěrba, D., - Jex, I.; Asymptotic phase-locking and synchronization in two-qubit systems
Journal of Physics Communications. 2023, 7(4), ISSN 2399-6528.; 2023
Jirsa, J. - Gečnuk, J. - Havránek, M. - Janoška, Z. - Janský, M. - Kafka, V. - Korchak, O. - Kostina, A. - Lednický, D. - Marčišovská, M. - Marčišovský, M. - Staněk, P. - Tomášek, L., - Vančura, P.; Characterization of 3.2 Gbps readout in 65 nm CMOS technology
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 18(1), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Jirsa, J. - Gečnuk, J. - Janoška, Z. - Jakovenko, J. - Kafka, V. - Marčišovský, M. - Marčišovská, M. - Staněk, P. - Tomášek, L., - Vančura, P.; Monte-Carlo simulation of charge sharing in 2 mm thick pixelated CdTe sensor
Journal of Instrumentation. 2023, 18(2), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2023
Kopeliovich, B.Z. - Křelina, M. - Nemchik, J., - Potashnikova, I.K.; Ultra-peripheral nuclear collisions as a source of heavy quarkonia
PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2023, 107(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2023
Hubáček, Z.; Mionový urychlovač
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Borisov, D. I. - Exner, P.; Approximation of point interactions by geometric perturbations in two-dimensional domains
BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. 2023, 13(02), 1-30. ISSN 1664-3615.; 2023
Křelina, M. - Dúbřavčík, D.; Quantum Technology for Defence: What to Expect for the Air and Space Domains
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Potoček, V. - Zatloukal, V.; Quantum occupation time
Physica Scripta. 2023, 98(1), 1-16. ISSN 1402-4896.; 2023
Vančura, P. - Gečnuk, J. - Janoška, Z. - Jirsa, J. - Korchak, O. - Kostina, A. - Kafka, V. - Lednický, D. - Marčišovská, M. - Marčišovský, M. - Švihra, P. - Tomášek, L., - Staněk, P.; SpacePix2: SOI MAPS detector for space radiation monitoring
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