
VVVS - records publications, grants and other scientific accomplishments. Here is a overview of publications from each year:

2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990,

Publikace z VVVS - 2019

Počet záznamů: 304, dotaz trval: s, datum: 2025-02-08T00:00:07.728+01:00

Gaioni, L. - Barbero, M. B. - Fougeron, D. - Godiot, S. - Benka, T. - Havránek, M. - Janoška, Z. - Marčišovský, M. - Neue, G., - Tomášek, L.; Test results and prospects for RD53A, a large scale 65 nm CMOS chip for pixel readout at the HL-LHC
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2019, 936 282-285. ISSN 0168-9002.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; ATLAS Collaboration
In: The 27th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2018. Linz: Elsevier BV, 2019.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurements of W and Z boson production in pp collisions at √s = 5.02TeV with the ATLAS detector (vol 79, 128, 2019)
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(5), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Dhyani, P. - Svoboda, V. - Istokskaia, V. - Mlynár, J. - Čeřovský, J. - Ficker, O., - Linhart, V.; Design and development of probe for the measurements of runaway electrons inside the Golem tokamak plasma edge
In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse Cedex: European Physical Society, 2019. Europhysics conference abstracts (ECA). vol. 43C. ISSN 0378-2271. ISBN 979-10-96389-11-7.; 2019
Kulkov, S. - Mácha, P. - Istokskaia, V. - Kropackova, D. - Papoušek, F. - Adámek, J. - Čeřovský, J. - Ficker, O. - Grover, O. - Jirakova, K. - Stöckel, J., - Svoboda, V.; Tokamak GOLEM for fusion education - Chapter 10
In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse Cedex: European Physical Society, 2019. Europhysics conference abstracts (ECA). vol. 43C. ISSN 0378-2271. ISBN 979-10-96389-11-7.; 2019
Karpenko, I.; Rapidity scan in heavy ion collisions at sqrt(s)=72 GeV using a viscous hydro ++ cascade model
Acta Physica Polonica B. 2019, 50(2), 141-148. ISSN 0587-4254.; 2019
Hromasová, K. - Seidl, J., - Adámek, J.; Upstream and downstream properties of turbulent transport at tokamak COMPASS
In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. Mulhouse Cedex: European Physical Society, 2019. Europhysics conference abstracts (ECA). vol. 43C. ISSN 0378-2271. ISBN 979-10-96389-11-7.; 2019
Nejdl, J. - Vančura, J. - Boháček, K. - Albrecht, M., - Chaulagain, U.; Imaging Michelson interferometer for a low-density gas jet characterization
Review of Scientific Instruments. 2019, 90(6), ISSN 0034-6748.; 2019
Kosarzewski, L.; Quarkonium production measured by the STAR experiment
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab Srl, 2019. vol. 364. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Blasone, M. - Jizba, P., - Smaldone, L.; Dynamical generation of flavor vacuum and Lorentz invariance
In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2019. vol. 1416. ISSN 1742-6588.; 2019
Melo, I. - Tomášik, B.; Snapshots of fireballs at freeze-out from heavy-ion collisions at different energies
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab Srl, 2019. vol. 364. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Bendová, D. - Čepila, J., - Contreras, J.G.; Dissociative production of vector mesons as a new tool to study gluon saturation at electron-ion colliders
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab Srl, 2019. vol. 374. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Bendová, D. - Čepila, J. - Contreras, J.G., - Matas, M.; Impact-parameter dependence of collinearly improved Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab Srl, 2019. vol. 374. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Bendová, D. - Čepila, J., - Contreras, J.G.; Dissociative production of vector mesons within the energy-dependent hot-spot model
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: Sissa Medialab Srl, 2019. vol. 364. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Ferus, M. - Kubelik, P. - Petera, L. - Lenza, L. - Křivková, A., - Pastorek, A.; Main spectral features of meteors studied using a terawatt-class high-power laser
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2019, 630 ISSN 0004-6361.; 2019
Karpat, G. - Yalcinkaya, I., - Cakmak, B.; Quantum synchronization in a collision model
PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2019, 100(1), ISSN 2469-9926.; 2019
Yalcinkaya, I. - Cakmak, B. - Karpat, G., - Fanchini, F. F.; Continuous dynamical decoupling and decoherence-free subspaces for qubits with tunable interaction
Quantum Information Processing. 2019, 18(5), ISSN 1570-0755.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the top-quark mass in tt 1-jet events collected with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at=8 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(11), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Trzeciak, B. - Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Measurements of heavy-flavour correlations and jets with ALICE at the LHC
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 579-582. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of ZZ production in the ll nu nu final state with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for heavy neutral leptons in decays of W bosons produced in 13 TeV pp collisions using prompt and displaced signatures with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for bottom-squark pair production with the ATLAS detector in final states containing Higgs bosons, b-jets and missing transverse momentum
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(12), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Tomášik, B. - Cimerman, J. - Kopecna, R., - Schulc, M.; Fluctuating shapes of fireballs in heavy-ion collisions
In: EPJ Web of Conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences, 2019. ISSN 2100-014X.; 2019
Pokorný, J. - De Gregorio, G. - Knapp, F., - Lo Iudice, N.; EFFECT OF A REALISTIC THREE-BODY FORCE ON THE ENERGY SPECTRA OF C-13(Lambda), O-17(Lambda), K-40(Lambda) AND K-48(Lambda)
In: Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement. Cracow: Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and Jagiellonian University, 2019. 4. vol. 12. ISSN 1899-2358.; 2019
Grover, O. - Svoboda, V., - Stöckel, J.; Online experimentation at the GOLEM tokamak
In: 2019 5th Experiment International Conference ('19). St. Paul, Minnesota: IEEE, 2019. p. 220-225. ISBN 978-1-7281-3637-0.; 2019
Grover, O. - Svoboda, V., - Stöckel, J.; Remote demonstration of the GOLEM tokamak
In: 2019 5th Experiment International Conference ('19). St. Paul, Minnesota: IEEE, 2019. p. 239-240. ISBN 978-1-7281-3637-0.; 2019
Svoboda, V. - Zhekova, M. - Dimitrova, M. - Marinova, P., - Stöckel, J.; Operational Domain in Hydrogen Plasmas on the GOLEM Tokamak
Journal of Fusion Energy. 2019, 38(2), 253-261. ISSN 0164-0313.; 2019
Havránek, M. - Benka, T. - Gečnuk, J. - Janoška, Z. - Kafka, V. - Marčišovská, M. - Marčišovský, M. - Neue, G. - Tomášek, L. - Vančura, P. - Vrba, V., - Semmler, M.; Monolitický pixelový detektor s integrovaným vyčítacím čipem
[Functional Sample] 2019.; 2019
Neue, G. - Benka, T. - Gečnuk, J. - Havránek, M. - Janoška, Z. - Kafka, V. - Marčišovská, M. - Marčišovský, M. - Tomášek, L. - Vančura, P. - Vrba, V., - Semmler, M.; Elektronický vyčítací čip pro detektory kontinuálních i pulzních vysokoenergetických fotonových svazků
[Functional Sample] 2019.; 2019
Veselý, J. - Suchánek, P. - Marčišovská, M. - Švihra, P. - Benka, T. - Kabátová, A. - Vaculčiak, M. - Brož, P. - Havránek, M., - Marčišovský, M.; Detekční mikroelektronická jednotka pro orbitální měření kosmického záření
[Functional Sample] 2019.; 2019
Wen, W. - Kajínek, O. - Khatibi, S., - Chadzitaskos, G.; A common assessment space for different sensor structures
Sensors. 2019, 19(3), ISSN 1424-8220.; 2019
Marčišovský, M. - Havránek, M. - Hejtmánek, M. - Janoška, Z. - Kafka, V. - Korchak, O. - Tomášek, L. - Vančura, P. - Vrba, V. - Suchánek, P., - Brož, P.; Funkční vzorek testovacích struktur pro detekční čip
[Functional Sample] 2019.; 2019
Exner, P. - Behrndt, J. - Holzmann, M., - Lotoreichik, V.; On Dirac operators in R3 with electrostatic and Lorentz scalar δ -shell interactions
Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations. 2019, 6 295-314. ISSN 2196-5609.; 2019
Marčišovská, M. - Marčišovský, M. - Havránek, M. - Janoška, Z. - Tomášek, L. - Vrba, V. - Kafka, V. - Vančura, P. - Suchánek, P. - Sysala, R. - Brož, P. - Česák, P., - Veličko, V.; Segmentovaný pixelový monitor kosmického záření pro letecké, orbitální a meziplanetární prostředky s funkcí včasného varování
Czechia. Utility Model CZ 32725. 2019-04-02.; 2019
Havránek, M. - Janoška, Z. - Kafka, V. - Marčišovský, M. - Neue, G. - Tomášek, L., - Vrba, V.; Funkční vzorek detektoru s velkoplošným detekčním polem
[Functional Sample] 2019.; 2019
Pastorek, A. - Hrnčířová, J. - Jankovič, L., - Křivková, A.; Prebiotic synthesis at impact craters: the role of Fe-clays and iron meteorites
Chemical Communications. 2019, 55(71), 10563-10566. ISSN 1364-548X.; 2019
Rovelli, C. - Zatloukal, V.; Natural Discrete Differential Calculus in Physics
FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS. 2019, 49(7), 693-699. ISSN 0015-9018.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Modelling radiation damage to pixel sensors in the ATLAS detector
Journal of Instrumentation. 2019, 14 ISSN 1748-0221.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Combination of Searches for Invisible Higgs Boson Decays with the ATLAS Experiment
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 122(23), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of W +/- Z production cross sections and gauge boson polarisation in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Searches for third-generation scalar leptoquarks in root s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(6), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for scalar resonances decaying into mu(+)mu(-) in events with and without b-tagged jets produced in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(7), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Comparison of Fragmentation Functions for Jets Dominated by Light Quarks and Gluons from pp and Pb plus Pb Collisions in ATLAS
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(4), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Electron and photon performance measurements with the ATLAS detector using the 2015-2017 LHC proton-proton collision data
Journal of Instrumentation. 2019, 14 ISSN 1748-0221.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for chargino and neutralino production in final states with a Higgs boson and missing transverse momentum at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Observation of Light-by-Light Scattering in Ultraperipheral Pb plus Pb Collisions with the ATLAS Detector
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(5), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Electron reconstruction and identification in the ATLAS experiment using the 2015 and 2016 LHC proton-proton collision data at s=13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of jet-substructure observables in top quark, W boson and light jet production in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(8), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of distributions sensitive to the underlying event in inclusive Z boson production in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(8), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for low-mass resonances decaying into two jets and produced in association with a photon using pp collisions root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 795 56-75. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for electroweak diboson production in association with a high-mass dijet system in semileptonic final states in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(3), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for supersymmetry in final states with two same-sign or three leptons and jets using 36 fb(-1) of root s = 13 TeV pp collision data with the ATLAS detector (vol 09, 084, 2017)
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019,(8), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Searches for scalar leptoquarks and differential cross-section measurements in dilepton-dijet events in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of root s=13TeV with the ATLAS experiment
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(9), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of the cross-section and charge asymmetry of W bosons produced in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(9), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for excited electrons singly produced in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(9), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Dijet azimuthal correlations and conditional yields in pp and p plus Pb collisions ats root S-NN=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 100(3), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of prompt photon production in root s(NN)=8.16 TeV p Pb collisions with ATLAS
Physics Letters B. 2019, 796 230-252. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for high-mass dilepton resonances using 139 fb(-1) of pp collision data collected at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 796 68-87. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Abeloos, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for diboson resonances in hadronic final states in 139 fb(-1) of pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for a heavy charged boson in events with a charged lepton and missing transverse momentum from pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of the inclusive cross-section for the production of jets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at 8 TeV using the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(10), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Identification of boosted Higgs bosons decaying into b-quark pairs with the ATLAS detector at 13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(10), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Observation of Electroweak Production of a Same-Sign W Boson Pair in Association with Two Jets in pp Collisions root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(16), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the inclusive isolated-photon cross section in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV using 36 fb(-1) of ATLAS data
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of W-+/--boson and Z-boson production cross-sections in pp collisions at root s=2.76 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of W-+/- boson production in Pb plus Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(11), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; ATLAS b-jet identification performance and efficiency measurement with t(t)over-bar events in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(11), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of the production cross section for a Higgs boson in association with a vector boson in the H -> WW* -> l nu l nu channel in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 798 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Search for a right-handed gauge boson decaying into a high-momentum heavy neutrino and a charged lepton in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector at root s=13 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 798 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurements of top-quark pair differential and double-differential cross-sections in the l plus jets channel with pp collisions at root s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(12), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of flow harmonics correlations with mean transverse momentum in lead-lead and proton-lead collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for invisible Higgs boson decays in vector boson fusion at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for the Production of a Long-Lived Neutral Particle Decaying within the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter in Association with a Z Boson from pp Collisions at root s=13 TeV
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 122(15), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
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Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(4), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of the t(t)over-barZ and t(t)over-barW cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Performance of top-quark and W-boson tagging with ATLAS in Run 2 of the LHC
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Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurements of inclusive and differential fiducial cross-sections of t(t)over-bar gamma production in leptonic final states at root s=13 TeV in ATLAS
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(5), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for large missing transverse momentum in association with one top-quark in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(5), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for heavy particles decaying into a top-quark pair in the fully hadronic final state in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(9), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Abazov, V. M. - Abbott, B. - Acharya, B. S. - Adams, M. - Augsten, K. - Franc, J. - Hubáček, Z. - Hynek, V. - Šimák, V., - Vokáč, P.; Properties of Z(c)(+/-)(3900) produced in p(p)over-bar collisions
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Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Combinations of single-top-quark production cross-section measurements and vertical bar f(LV)V(tb)vertical bar determinations at root s=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS experiments
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Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for Higgs boson pair production in the WW(*)WW(*) decay channel using ATLAS data recorded at root s=13 TeV
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Zhou, M. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Flow fluctuations in Pb plus Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
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Steinberg, P. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Electromagnetic processes with quasireal photons in Pb plus Pb collisions: QED, QCD, and the QGP
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Puri, A. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of angular and momentum distributions of charged particles within and around jets in Pb plus Pb and pp collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with ATLAS at the LHC
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 177-179. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurements of gluon-gluon fusion and vector-boson fusion Higgs boson production cross-sections in the H -> WW* -> e nu mu nu decay channel in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 789 508-529. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Correlated long-range mixed-harmonic fluctuations measured in pp, p plus Pb and low-multiplicity Pb plus Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 789 444-471. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of photon-jet transverse momentum correlations in 5.02 TeV Pb + Pb and pp collisions with ATLAS
Physics Letters B. 2019, 789 167-190. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurements of W and Z boson production in pp collisions at root s=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(2), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; In situ calibration of large-radius jet energy and mass in 13TeV proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(2), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of the photon identification efficiencies with the ATLAS detector using LHC Run 2 data collected in 2015 and 2016
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(3), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of the nuclear modification factor for inclusive jets in Pb plus Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790 108-128. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for four-top-quark production in the single-lepton and opposite-sign dilepton final states in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for long-lived particles produced in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV that decay into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS muon spectrometer
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for Higgs boson decays into a pair of light bosons in the bb mu mu final state in pp collision at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790(2019), 1-21. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for doubly charged scalar bosons decaying into same-sign W boson pairs with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(1), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Hu, Q. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of heavy flavor production and azimuthal anisotropy in small and large systems with ATLAS
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982(2019), 687-690. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Spousta, M. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Jet suppression and jet substructure in Pb plus Pb and Xe plus Xe collisions with the ATLAS detector
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982(2019), 611-614. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Citron, Z. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Electroweak probes of small and large systems with the ATLAS detector
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982(2019), 603-606. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Perepelitsa, D. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Photon-tagged measurements of jet quenching with ATLAS
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982(2019), 595-598. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Balek, P. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Charged-hadron suppression in Pb plus Pb and Xe plus Xe collisions measured with the ATLAS detector
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982(2019), 571-574. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Derendarz, D. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of the flow harmonic correlations in pp, p plus Pb and low multiplicity Pb plus Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982(2019), 479-482. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Bold, T. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Measurement of the azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb and 5.44 TeV Xe+Xe collisions with ATLAS
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982(2019), 391-394. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Amsler, C. - Antonello, M. - Belov, A. - Bonomi, G., - Petráček, V.; Velocity-selected production of 2(3)S metastable positronium
PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2019, 99(3), ISSN 2469-9926.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Gajdošová, K. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Multiplicity dependence of (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 794 50-63. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; One-dimensional charged kaon femtoscopy in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 100(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Amsler, C. - Antonello, M. - Belov, A. - Bonomi, G., - Petráček, V.; A similar to 100 mu m-resolution position-sensitive detector for slow positronium
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2019, 457 44-48. ISSN 0168-583X.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of jet radial profiles in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 796 204-219. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; First Observation of an Attractive Interaction between a Proton and a Cascade Baryon
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(11), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adam, J. - Adamova, D. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Measurement of the production of charm jets tagged with D-0 mesons in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(8), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Study of the Lambda-Lambda interaction with femtoscopy correlations in pp and p-Pbcollisions at the LHC
Physics Letters B. 2019, 797 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; H-3(Lambda) and (3)((Lambda)over-bar)(H)over-bar lifetime measurement in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV via two-body decay
Physics Letters B. 2019, 797 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Investigations of Anisotropic Flow Using Multiparticle Azimuthal Correlations in pp, p-Pb, Xe-Xe, and Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(14), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Aggarwal, M. M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Two-particle differential transverse momentum and number density correlations in p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 100(4), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Bielčíková, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Gajdošová, K. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Event-shape and multiplicity dependence of freeze-out radii in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(9), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adam, J. - Adamova, D. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Charged-particle production as a function of multiplicity and transverse spherocity in pp collisions at root s=5.02 and 13 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(10), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Inclusive J/psi production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at root s=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(10), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of Upsilon(1S) Elliptic Flow at Forward Rapidity in Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(19), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Coherent J/psi photoproduction at forward rapidity in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 798 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adam, J. - Adamova, D. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Measurement of the inclusive isolated photon production cross section in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(11), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Measurement of charged jet cross section in pp collisions at root s=5.02 TeV
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(9), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Caravita, R. - Aghion, S. - Amsler, C. - Antonello, M., - Petráček, V.; The AEgIS experiment at CERN: Probing antimatter gravity
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of K-S(0) and Lambda(0) production in tt dileptonic events in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(12), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abud, A. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of angular and momentum distributions of charged particles within and around jets in Pb plus Pb and pp collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV with the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 100(6), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Measurements of the transverse-momentum-dependent cross sections of J/psi production at mid-rapidity in proton plus proton collisions at root s=510 and 500 GeV with the STAR detector
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Measurement of inclusive J/psi suppression in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV through the dimuon channel at STAR
Physics Letters B. 2019, 797 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry for inclusive jet and dijet production in pp collisions at root s=510 GeV
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Polarization of Lambda ((Lambda)over-bar) Hyperons along the Beam Direction in Au plus Au Collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(13), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; First Observation of the Directed Flow of D-0 and <(D-0)over bar> in Au +Au Collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(16), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Ficker, O. - MacUsova, E. - Mlynář, J. - Břeň, D. - Čeřovský, J. - Farník, M. - Grover, O. - Krbec, J. - Linhart, V. - Marčišovský, M. - Šos, M. - Švihra, P., - Vrba, V.; Runaway electron beam stability and decay in COMPASS
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Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Křížková Gajdošová, K. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Production of muons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in pp collisions at root s=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(9), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Antonello, M. - Belov, A. - Bonomi, G. - Brusa, R. S., - Petráček, V.; Efficient 2 S-3 positronium production by stimulated decay from the 3 P-3 level
PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2019, 100(6), ISSN 2469-9926.; 2019
Al-Refaie, A.F. - Johny, M. - Correa, J. - Pennicard, D., - Švihra, P.; PymePix: a python library for SPIDR readout of Timepix3
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Roberts, A. - Švihra, P. - Al-Refaie, A., - Graafsma, H.; First demonstration of 3D optical readout of a TPC using a single photon sensitive Timepix3 based camera
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Jiráková, K. - Kovanda, O. - Adámek, J. - Komm, M., - Seidl, J.; Systematic errors in tokamak magnetic equilibrium reconstruction: a study of EFIT++ at tokamak COMPASS
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Farník, M. - Urban, J. - Zajac, J. - Bogár, O. - Varavin, M. - Casolari, A. - Čeřovský, J. - Ficker, O. - Mlynář, J. - Macúšová, E. - Weinzettl, V., - Hron, M.; Radiometry for the vertical electron cyclotron emission from the runaway electrons at the COMPASS tokamak
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Grover, O. - Seidl, J. - Adamek, J., - Vondracek, P.; Correction of turbulent flow moments measured by Langmuir probes in the vicinity of the L-H transition in COMPASS
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Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Electron and photon energy calibration with the ATLAS detector using 2015-2016 LHC proton-proton collision data
Journal of Instrumentation. 2019, 14 ISSN 1748-0221.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Resolution of the ATLAS muon spectrometer monitored drift tubes in LHC Run 2
Journal of Instrumentation. 2019, 14 ISSN 1748-0221.; 2019
Grabowska-Bold, I. - Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Highlights from the ATLAS experiment
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Cotogno, S. - Kasemets, T., - Myška, M.; Spin on same-sign W-boson pair production
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for heavy Majorana or Dirac neutrinos and right-handed W gauge bosons in final states with two charged leptons and two jets at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019,(1), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for pair production of Higgs bosons in the b(b)over-barb(b)over-bar final state using proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019,(1), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for long-lived neutral particles in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV that decay into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS calorimeter
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(6), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Properties of jet fragmentation using charged particles measured with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Smolek, K. - Sopczak, A. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P., - Vrba, V.; Evidence for the production of three massive vector bosons with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 798 ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Jačka, P. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Measurement of fiducial and differential W+W- production cross-sections at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(10), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Lorz, L. - Meyer-Scott, E. - Nitsche, T. - Potoček, V. - Gábris, A. - Barkhofen, S. - Jex, I., - Silberhorn, Ch.; Photonic quantum walks with four-dimensional coins
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Kruse, R. - Hamilton, C. - Sansoni, L. - Barkhofen, S. - Silberhorn, Ch., - Jex, I.; Detailed study of Gaussian boson sampling
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Mareš, J. - Novotný, J., - Jex, I.; Percolated quantum walks with a general shift operator: From trapping to transport
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Malachov, M. - Jex, I. - Kalman, O., - Kiss, T.; Phase transition in iterated quantum protocols for noisy inputs
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Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Observation of Excess J/psi Yield at Very Low Transverse Momenta in Au plus Au Collisions at root S-NN =200 GeV and U+U Collisions at root S-NN =193 GeV
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(13), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Hlavatý, L. - Petr, I.; Poisson–Lie identities and dualities of Bianchi cosmologies
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Aguilar, J. - Korbel, J., - Luchko, Y.; Applications of the Fractional Diffusion Equation to Option Pricing and Risk Calculations
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Adare, A. - Gallus, P. - Král, A. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M. - Vrba, V., - Liška, T.; Beam Energy and Centrality Dependence of Direct-Photon Emission from Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(2), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Aidala, C. - Gallus, P. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Nuclear Dependence of the Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetry in the Production of Charged Hadrons at Forward Rapidity in Polarized p plus p, p plus Al, and p plus Au Collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 123(12), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Jurčo, B. - Vysoký, J.; Effective Actions for σ-Models of Poisson–Lie Type: LMS/EPSRC Durham Symposium on Higher Structures in M-Theory
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Bendová, D. - Čepila, J. - Matas, M., - Contreras, J.; Solution to the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation with the collinearly improved kernel including impact-parameter dependence
Physical Review D. 2019, 100(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Aggarwal, M. M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Suppression of Lambda(1520) resonance production in central Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN=2.76 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Multiplicity dependence of light-flavor hadron production in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Aggarwal, M. M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; p-p, p-Lambda, and Lambda-Lambda correlations studied via femtoscopy in pp reactions at root s=7 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Measurement of dielectron production in central Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN=2.76 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. -. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Direct photon production at low transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at root s=2.76 and 8 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Event-Shape Engineering for the D-meson elliptic flow in mid-central Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(2), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Aggarwal, M. M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Azimuthal Anisotropy of Heavy-Flavor Decay Electrons in p-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 122(7), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Adamczyk, L. - Adkins, J. K. - Agakishiev, G. - Aggarwal, M. M. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Federičová, P. - Harlenderová, A. - Kvapil, J. - Lidrych, J. - Rusňáková, O., - Trzeciak, B.A.; Constraining the initial conditions and temperature dependent viscosity with three-particle correlations in Au plus Au collisions
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790 81-88. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Federičová, P. - Harlenderová, A. - Holub, L. - Kramárik, L. - Kvapil, J. - Lidrych, J. - Matonoha, O., - Rusňáková, O.; The proton-Omega correlation function in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790 490-497. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Torales-Acosta, F. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density in Xe-Xe collisions at root s(NN)=5.44 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790 35-48. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Upsilon suppression at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790 89-101. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Measuring (KSK +/-)-K-0 interactions using pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790 22-34. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Aggarwal, M. M. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Relative particle yield fluctuations in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(3), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Harlenderová, A. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Kvapil, J. - Líčeník, R. - Lidrych, J. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Centrality and transverse momentum dependence of D-0-meson production at mid-rapidity in Au plus Au collisions ats root S-NN=200 GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(3), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Harlenderová, A. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Kvapil, J. - Líčeník, R. - Lidrych, J. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Measurement of the longitudinal spin asymmetries for weak boson production in proton-proton collisions at root s=510 GeV
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Jet fragmentation transverse momentum measurements from di-hadron correlations in root s7 TeV pp and root sNN=5.02 TeV p-Pb collisions
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(3), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Gajdošová, K. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Charged-particle pseudorapidity density at mid-rapidity in p-Pb collisions at root S-NN=8.16 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(4), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Harlenderová, A. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Kvapil, J. - Líčeník, R. - Lidrych, J. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Collision-energy dependence of p(t) correlations in Au plus Au collisions at energies available at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(4), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Federičová, P. - Harlenderová, A. - Holub, L. - Kramárik, L. - Kvapil, J. - Lidrych, J. - Matonoha, O., - Rusňáková, O.; Azimuthal Harmonics in Small and Large Collision Systems at RHIC Top Energies
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 122(17), ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Measurement of D-0, D+, D+* and D-s(+) production in pp collisions at root s=5.02 TeV with ALICE
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(5), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adam, J. - Adamova, D. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Energy dependence of exclusive J/ photoproduction off protons in ultra-peripheral p-Pb collisions at NN=5.02 TeV
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(5), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Gajdošová, K. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Lambda(+)(C) production in pb-pb collisions at root S-NN=5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 793 212-223. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Gajdošová, K. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Calibration of the photon spectrometer PHOS of the ALICE experiment
Journal of Instrumentation. 2019, 14 ISSN 1748-0221.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Production of the rho(770)(0) meson in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at root S-NN=2.76 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(6), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Analysis of the apparent nuclear modification in peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 793 420-432. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Beam energy dependence of (anti-)deuteron production in Au plus Au collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(6), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adhya, S. P. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Gajdošová, K. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R. - Petráček, V., - Šafařík, K.; Real-time data processing in the ALICE High Level Trigger at the LHC
Computer Physics Communications. 2019, 242 25-48. ISSN 0010-4655.; 2019
Adam, J. - Adamczyk, L. - Adams, J. R. - Adkins, J. K. - Bielčík, J. - Chaloupka, P. - Holub, L. - Kocan, M. - Kosarzewski, L.K. - Kramárik, L. - Líčeník, R. - Matonoha, O. - Moravcová, Z., - Rusňáková, O.; Collision-energy dependence of second-order off-diagonal and diagonal cumulants of net-charge, net-proton, and net-kaon multiplicity distributions in Au plus Au collisions
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 100(1), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Study of J/psi azimuthal anisotropy at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(2), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Adamova, D. - Adler, A. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Charged jet cross section and fragmentation in proton-proton collisions at root S=7 TeV
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Direct photon elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 789 308-322. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Torales-Acosta, F. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Dielectron and heavy-quark production in inelastic and high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 788 505-518. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Acharya, S. - Acosta, F. T. - Adamova, D. - Adolfsson, J. - Bielčík, J. - Broz, M. - Contreras, J.G. - Horák, D. - Lavička, R., - Petráček, V.; Transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors of charged particles in Xe-Xe collisions at root s(NN)=5.44 TeV
Physics Letters B. 2019, 788 166-179. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Jizba, P. - Korbel, J.; Comment on "Renyi entropy yields artificial biases not in the data and incorrect updating due to the finite-size data"
PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2019, 100(2), ISSN 2470-0045.; 2019
Janoška, Z. - Benka, T. - Havránek, M. - Hejtmánek, M. - Jakovenko, J. - Kafka, V. - Kaschner, M. - Marčišovská, M. - Marčišovský, M. - Neue, G. - Tomášek, L. - Švihra, P. - Vančura, P., - Vrba, V.; Time of flight measurements with the PH32 chip
Journal of Instrumentation. 2019, 2019(14), ISSN 1748-0221.; 2019
Rachač, M. - Dub, M. - Lopot, F. - Hošek, J., - Galimov, A.; Forces caused by vacuum spring bellows during pumping of the quadrupole magnet module
In: EAN 2019 57th conference on experimental stress analysis CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Praha: Česká společnost pro mechaniku, 2019. p. 438-441. ISBN 9788021457669.; 2019
McGlinchey, D. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; PHENIX Measurements of dN(ch)/d eta in small systems
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 839-842. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Khachatryan, V. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; PHENIX measurements of low momentum direct photon radiation
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 763-766. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Durham, J.M. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Recent Quarkonium Studies from the PHENIX Experiment
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 719-722. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Leung, Y.H. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Measurements of charm, bottom, and Drell-Yan via dimuons in p plus p and p plus Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV with PHENIX at RHIC
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 695-698. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Hachiya, T. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Tomášek, M. - Novotný, R. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Nuclear modification factor and flow of charm and bottom quarks in Au plus Au collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV by the PHENIX Experiment
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 663-666. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Osborn, J.D. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; PHENIX results on jet modification with pi(0)- and photon-triggered two particle correlations in p plus p, p(d) plus Au, and Au plus Au collisions
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 591-594. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Morrow, S. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; PHENIX results on elliptic and triangular flow from the small-system geometry scan at 200 GeV
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 471-474. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Xu, Q. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Implications for small-system collectivity from a comprehensive set of soft physics measurements in 200 GeV p plus Au collisions by PHENIX
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 459-462. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Hill, K. - Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Vrba, V., - Virius, M.; PHENIX Measurements of collectivity in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV from higher order cumulants and flow unfolding
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 331-334. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Čepila, J. - Nemchik, J. - Křelina, M., - Pasechnik, R.; Theoretical uncertainties in exclusive electroproduction of S-wave heavy quarkonia
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79 ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Čepila, J. - Contreras, J.G., - Matas, M.; Collinearly improved kernel suppresses Coulomb tails in the impact-parameter dependent Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aguilar, J.-P. - Korbel, J.; Simple formulas for pricing and hedging european options in the finite moment log-stable model
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Vančura, P.; Radiation Tolerant 8 - bit Analog to Digital Converter with Successive Approximation
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Bryslawskyj, J. - Gallus, R. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M., - Virius, M.; PHENIX study of the initial state with forward hadron measurements in 200 GeV p(d)+A and He-3+Au collisions
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 275-278. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Adare, A. - Gallus, R. - Král, A. - Liška, T. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Overview of results from the PHENIX Collaboration
Nuclear Physics A. 2019, 982 22-28. ISSN 0375-9474.; 2019
Aidala, C. - Gallus, P. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of charm and bottom production from semileptonic hadron decays in p+pcollisions at √s=200 GeV
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(9), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Hlavatý, L. - Petr, I.; Poisson-Lie T-plurality revisited. Is T-duality unique?
Journal of High Energy Physics. 2019, 2019(4), ISSN 1029-8479.; 2019
Adare, A. - Gallus, P. - Liška, T. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Measurement of two-particle correlations with respect to second- and third-order event planes in Au + Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(5), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Bertrand, S. - Šnobl, L.; On rotationally invariant integrable and superintegrable classical systems in magnetic fields with non-subgroup type integrals
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2019, 52(19), ISSN 1751-8113.; 2019
Aidala, C. - Gallus, P. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Nonperturbative transverse momentum broadening in dihadron angular correlations in √sNN GeV proton-nucleus collisions
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(4), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Barucca, G. - Gallus, P. - Jarý, V. - Nový, J. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M. - Vrba, V., - Tomášek, L.; Precision resonance energy scans with the PANDA experiment at FAIR: Sensitivity study for width and line shape measurements of the X(3872)
The European Physical Journal A. 2019, 55(3), ISSN 1434-6001.; 2019
Singh, B. - Gallus, P. - Jarý, V. - Nový, J. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Technical design report for the PANDA Barrel DIRC detector
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 2019, 46(4), ISSN 0954-3899.; 2019
Aidala, C. - Gallus, P. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Measurements of μμ pairs from open heavy flavor and Drell-Yan in p + p collisions at √s = 200 GeV
Physical Review D. 2019, 99(7), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Jizba, P. - Korbel, J.; Maximum Entropy Principle in Statistical Inference: Case for Non-Shannonian Entropies
Physical Review Letters. 2019, 122 ISSN 0031-9007.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Properties of g -> b(b)over-bar at small opening angles in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector at root s=13 TeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2019, 99(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abbott, D. C. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Search for heavy long-lived multicharged particles in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2019, 99(5), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Čepila, J. - Contreras, J.G., - Bendová, D.; Dissociative production of vector mesons at electron-ion colliders
PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2019, 99(3), ISSN 2470-0029.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Bergmann, B. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Study of the hard double-parton scattering contribution to inclusive four-lepton production in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 790 595-614. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Nemčík, J.; Heavy quarks as the probe of the medium created in heavy ion collisions
Praha: Defense date 2019-04-11. Associate Professor Lecture. CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECHNICKE V PRAZE.; 2019
Weinzettl, V. - Adamek, J. - Bilkova, P. - Havlicek, J. - Ficker, O. - Krbec, J. - Šos, M. - Varavin, M., - Entler, S.; Constraints on conceptual design of diagnostics for the high magnetic field COMPASS-U tokamak with hot walls
Fusion Engineering and Design. 2019, 2019(146), 1703-1707. ISSN 0920-3796.; 2019
Aidala, C. - Gallus, P. - Novotný, R. - Tomášek, M. - Virius, M., - Vrba, V.; Creation of quark-gluon plasma droplets with three distinct geometries
NATURE PHYSICS. 2019, 15(3), 214-220. ISSN 1745-2473.; 2019
Kopeliovich, B.Z. - Nemčík, J. - Potashnikova, I.K., - Schmidt, I.; Novel mechanism for suppression of heavy flavored mesons in heavy ion collisions
Journal of Physics Conference Series. 2019, 1137 ISSN 1742-6588.; 2019
Křelina, M. - Nemchik, J. - Pasechnik, R., - Čepila, J.; Spin rotation effects in diffractive electroproduction of heavy quarkonia
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79 ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; A strategy for a general search for new phenomena using data-derived signal regions and its application within the ATLAS experiment
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(2), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for pairs of highly collimated photon-jets in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2019, 99(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with hadronically decaying tau-leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum using pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2019, 99(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for vector-boson resonances decaying to a top quark and bottom quark in the lepton plus jets final state in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 788 347-370. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Šimák, V. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for light resonances decaying to boosted quark pairs and produced in association with a photon or a jet in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 788 316-335. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, R. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for heavy charged long-lived particles in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV using an ionisation measurement with the ATLAS detector
Physics Letters B. 2019, 788 96-116. ISSN 0370-2693.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdinov, O. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Havránek, M. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Novotný, R. - Pospíšil, S. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - Vokáč, P. - et al.; Search for long-lived particles in final states with displaced dimuon vertices in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2019, 99(1), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Matas, M. - Marquet, C.; Forward di-jets in p+A collisions in the ITMD framework
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: SISSA/ISAS, 2019. vol. 274. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Matas, M. - Marquet, C. - Albacete, J.L., - Giacalone, G.; Forward dihadron back-to-back correlations in 𝑝𝐴 collisions
Physical Review D. 2019, 2019(99), ISSN 2470-0010.; 2019
Hubáček, Z.; Measurement of the inclusive jet and dijet production with the ATLAS detector
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: SISSA/ISAS, 2019. vol. 274. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Contreras, J.G.; Energy dependence of exclusive J/Psi photoproduction in p-Pb interactions at ALICE
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: SISSA/ISAS, 2019. vol. 274. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Čepila, J. - Contreras, J.G. - Křelina, M., - Tapia Takaki, J.D.; Subnucleon fluctuations in vector meson photoproduction: a window to saturation
In: Proceedings of Science. Trieste: SISSA/ISAS, 2019. vol. 274. ISSN 1824-8039.; 2019
Adare, A. - Gallus, P. - Tomášek, M. - Vrba, V., - Virius, M.; Multiparticle azimuthal correlations for extracting event-by-event elliptic and triangular flow in Au + Au collisions at √s_NN = 200 GeV
PHYSICAL REVIEW C. 2019, 99(2), ISSN 2469-9985.; 2019
Aaboud, M. - Aad, G. - Abbott, B. - Abdallah, J. - Ali, B. - Augsten, K. - Caforio, D. - Gallus, P. - Hubáček, Z. - Myška, M. - Pospíšil, S. - Seifert, F. - Šimák, V. - Slavíček, T. - Smolek, K. - Solar, M. - Sopczak, A. - Sopko, V. - Suk, M. - Vacek, V. - et al.; Erratum to: Measurement of the W boson polarisation in t t ¯ events from pp collisions at √ s = 8 TeV in the lepton + jets channel with ATLAS (The European Physical Journal C, (2017), 77, 4, (264), 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-4819-4)
European Physical Journal C. 2019, 79(1), ISSN 1434-6044.; 2019
Mlynář, J. - Ficker, O. - Macúšová, E. - Markovic, T. - Břeň, D. - Čeřovský, J. - Farník, M. - Kulhánek, P. - Linhart, V. - Marčišovský, M. - Svoboda, V., - Švihra, P.; Runaway electron experiments at COMPASS in support of the EUROfusion ITER physics research
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2019, 61(1), ISSN 0741-3335.; 2019
Mlynar, J. - Craciunescu, T. - Ferreira, D.R. - Carvalho, P. - Ficker, O. - Grover, O., - Svoboda, J.; Current Research into Applications of Tomography for Fusion Diagnostics
Journal of Fusion Energy. 2019, 458-466. ISSN 1572-9591.; 2019